Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Global Womans Crusade - Kathy Caprino

The Global Womans Crusade Nicholas Kristof’s New York Times article “The Woman’s Crusade” of August 17th is very moving, about the plight of women and girls in our world.   Hope you’ll check it out here.   In response to Kristof’s “Half the Sky” competition for compelling stories of individuals who are empowering girls and women in the developing world, I submitted for consideration my inspiring friend and colleague Theresa Wilson, Founder of The Blessing Basket Project.   Here’s my post on Kristof’s blog.   The New York Times Magazine this Sunday is a special issue focused on women in the developing world, including an extract from “Half the Sky,” the new book by Nicholas Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn.     May it become a true movement that betters the lives of girls and women everywhere.   It’s truly amazing what one person can do to reduce world poverty and oppression. Each of us, in fact, can make a vast difference in our world. One small dream, followed by aligned action, changes everything.   Kristof’s work makes me want to do more, and be more, and it makes me think, “What else can I do today?”   May breakthrough be possible in ourselves and our world today, Kathy

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